Guide to Rack Selection

New and used pallet racks and wire decks in stock. We carry conventional, drive-in and cantilever racks.


Frame Selection:

Frame Depth: It is recommended that pallets overhang beams by 3″. The minimum overhang should be 2″. If the overhang is less than 2″, front-to-back bars are required to prevent misplaced pallets from falling through.
Storage Height: For lower storage levels, at least 4″ clearance should be provided between the top of loads and the bottom of beams above; 6″ or more should be provided at higher storage levels. A minimum of 18″ clearance is required between the top of top loads and ceiling sprinklers.

Beam Selection:

Beam length: The length should be adequate to ensure easy placement and removal of pallets. There should be no less than 3″, preferably 4″, between pallets and posts. At least 4″ clearance should be allowed between pallets. If straddle-type lift trucks are used, additional clearance between pallets and posts may be required. To keep long beams from spreading, beams over 120″ in length should be tied together with at least one front-to-back bar in the center.

Back-To-Back Clearance:

Clearance between rows of racks should consider rear pallet overhang, possible building columns and at least 6″ clearance when intermediate sprinklers are to be installed in racks.

Height-To-Depth Ratio:

If the ratio of the rack height to the top of the uppermost load to the frame depth exceeds 6 to 1, additional stabilizing is required.

Double-Row Racks: This is easily accomplished by the use of back-to-back ties. Recommended quantities are shown on page 10. One should be placed near the bottom and one near the top with additional as recommended evenly spaced. Tying together the two rows increases the rack’s effective depth, thereby increasing the allowable height.
Single-Row Racks: These can most easily be stabilized by anchoring to the floor, using heavy-duty footplates and anchor bolts that are reliably rated. Alternatively, single-row racks can be tied overhead across the aisle to an opposite rack or with extreme caution tied to a wall or roof trusses by a suitable method.


Racks must be installed reasonably level and plumb. Ratings are based on their being installed plumb within at least 1 ” of 10′ in height. When they are not plumb, additional stresses are
induced that reduce capacity. It is recomandedShim plates so plumbness can easily be achieved whether racks are anchored to the floor or not. Drive-in/Drive-through must always be anchored.


Unstable Loads:

If loads are not stable, a retaining device – wire mesh, retaining bars or sheet steel, as examples – should be placed at the rear or the side of any rack adjacent to a walkway or aisle. Unstable loads should never be stored in over-aisle locations.

Labeling & Signage:

To help prevent the overloading of racks, It is recommends the use of highly visible load capacity labels on beams and/or uprights as well as end of aisle signs.

Over-Aisle Storage:

This substantially improves utilization of available warehouse space. Only stable loads should be stored in these locations, however. Further, to prevent the possibility of a misplaced load falling into an aisle, front-to-back bars are recommended for added safety. Solid decking of some type is recommended over aisles.

Driver Training and Supervision:

Good rack design is not a / substitute for driver training and reasonable operating practices. No rack can withstand the full impact of a lift truck traveling at high speed.

Efficiency Systems Co., Inc. is your source for cost-efficient solutions to all your high-density storage rack needs. Our rack systems allow you to effectiveluy use your available space for high-density storage, palletized load, drum storage, loose bulk or special applications in single row, back to back, double reach-in or continuous flow configurations. Our racks are engineered for rigidity, stability and safety at the specified load limits.